3 Minute Thesis Competition

Are you ready to showcase your groundbreaking research in SPace, Aerospace and defenCE in just three minutes? Introducing the three minute thesis (3 Min) competition at IEEE SPACE 2024 Conference.

What is in 3 Min? 3 Min is a thrilling opportunity for PhD students and young professionals to present their research in Space, Aerospace and defenCE to a specialist and non-specialit audience. In just three minutes and four slides, contestants will captivate listeners with their innovative ideas and discoveries.

Goals of 3 Min? This Competition aims to ignite interest in the vast applications of Space, Aerospace and defenCE technologies and renew public fascination with its transformative potential. By sharing your research, you'll contribute to a broader understanding of SPace, Aerospace and defenCE advancements and their real-world impact.

How is it Judged, and How to Prepare? A panel of experts will evaluate presentations based on the clarity of the problem statement, relevance to SPace, Aerospace and defenCE society, and demonstrated research excellence. Prepare to impress with concise, engaging delivery and a clear demonstration of your research's significance.

Who can Participate? ALL IEEE student members nearing the completion of their PhD are encourged to participate and elevate their research to a national stage. Don't miss this chance to showcase your work, gain valuable experience and boost your confidence!

Prizes and Recognition: Top 3 contenders will vie for prestigious awards. Including
1 Prize: 10,000/-
2nd Prize: 7,000/-
3d Prize: 5,000/-

Complementory registration is provided for all participants, ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to participate in this exiting event.

Application Procedure: 1. Submission of Research Title and Description: Submit a title and short description of your research work, including an introduction, research gap, work done, practical applications, and its significance, not exceeding 2 pages in length.
2. Submission of a short biography and research activities, as well as the expected graduation date. Include a list of published and submitted journals, conference papers, relevant research prizes, research initiatives, and funding details no longer than two pages.
3. Endorsement Letter from Supervisor: Provide an endorsement letter from your supervisor explicity stating that they have no issues with showcasing your thesis work to a national-level audience

Application requirements: Combine all documents into a single PDF file and send it to baisakhi20@ieee.org with cc to ieeespace2024@gmail.com

Selection Process: Upto 40 condidates will be selected to partcipate in the 3 Min thesis competition at IEEE SPACE 2024

For more details please contact:

Baisakhi Bandyopadhyay: tania.banerjee678@gmail.com / baisakhi20@ieee.org

Last date for submission: Please send the combined PDF file before 31st May, 2024.


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